The design and layout of my web pages did go according to my plan. I have lost my plan, but I am going to make it again. My homepage looks exactly as how I have drawn it in my plan. I have done a lot of research in the class, I have researched: What is a flood? What to do in case of a flood, how a flood can be caused. I have also researched what has happened to people in recent floods as well as the power of floods. The main Font I used was felt tip, with a blue color. The font looked catchy and it was easy to read. I used blue because I have lots of pictures about the text that I have written, I wanted to put a few videos, but I am still trying to figure out how. I have 4 pages right now, and am going to make my 5th soon. In the Iweb application, there are still stuff I am trying to figure out. For one I am looking for the undo button and looking for how to upload videos. A web widget is a portable chunk of code that can be installed and executed within any separate HTML-based web page by an end user without requiring additional compilation. They are derived from the idea of code reuse. Other terms used to describe web widgets include: gadget, badge, module, webjit, capsule, snippet, mini and flake. Web widgets usually but not always use DHTML, JavaScript, or Adobe Flash. Widgets often take the form of on-screen tools (clocks, event countdowns, auction-tickers, stock market tickers, flight arrival information, daily weather etc). Yes I do have an emergency plan, I took all the precautions and watch the news, incase this happens. I am going to make my reference page last, after I have finished my Iweb.
Pretty good, Mujeeb you tell every thing that's going on ur blog but when yousay 'stuff' describe what kind of stuff. other then that it's pretty good.
From: Abdul Rahman
great blog nothing is wrong with it
Thanks ^_^ for now at least =P
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